How Smoking Impacts Your Health Insurance Policy


It is a well-known fact that smoking has a negative effect on your health. There must be a warning message on every pack of cigarettes: "Smoking harms your health." Tobacco is the leading cause of 30% of all cancers, and it increases the risk of heart attack by 16 times.

There are about 120 million smokers in India. According to the World Health Organization, India is home to around 12% of the world's population who smoke. The number of smokers increased from 78 million in 1998 to 108 million in 2015. Bacco smoking causes 6 million deaths each year. Tobacco causes more than 5 million deaths and 0.6 deaths as a result of second-hand smoke. In view of the threat to public health, the government has banned smoking in public until October 2, 2008.

Not only does it affect your health, but it also incurs higher costs for your health insurance policy, due to increased health risks and shorter lives. However, the non-smoker earns a special income as a reward for living a good life. As a smoker, you are advised not to cover your health insurance company, as this helps cover the health problems associated with smoking.

Smoking: Included

Cigarette smoke contains tobacco smoke in the form of cigarettes, cigars, and bidis. If you are a smoker or a regular smoker, you will be considered a smoker under your health insurance policy.

  • How smoking affects health insurance and insurance
  • Smoking has a negative effect on your health, some described below.
  • Circulatory system: S Smoking causes headaches and high blood pressure. Accumulation of fatty acids can lead to atherosclerosis.
  • The immune system: smoking causes serious and long-term illness. Smokers can get ulcers, cancer, pneumonia, high blood pressure, bronchitis, and other viral infections.
  • Respiratory System: Sm Smoking can impair lung and respiratory function. It can damage the airways and lungs and increase the chances of developing chronic bronchitis.
  • Oral health: Smoking can cause tooth decay, tooth decay, and gum disease.
  • Cancer: Sm Smoking for a long time causes cancer in different parts of the body.

In the case of health insurance, insurance companies take into account the illness and death caused by smokers, so that smokers have to pay higher prices to benefit from health insurance. . In general, insurance companies charge 15 to 20 percent for your smoking cessation. Smokers must further test their medication before the insurance company can issue the order.

Let us understand the difference between a smoker and a non-smoker.

Ritesh (Smoke) buys at the age of 30 Individual Health Plan and Rs 5 Lacs insurance, for one legal year, the annual revenue is Rs 4,656. However, Raj (Smoke) buys Individual Health Plan, costing Rs 7,552 annually. The reason for the increase is that Ansh is in the form of smokers. We can see that Raj pays an additional 2,896 for smoking.

A smoker has health problems

If you smoke a lot regularly and have symptoms of worsening health and wonder if you can get health insurance. The answer is yes, all that is needed is truth and reality.

The insurance service will review the risks on your profile and decide the terms, conditions, and fees to be paid to provide you with health insurance. The cost will be higher than the waiting period will be affected to cover existing conditions. Also, if you are seeking insurance immediately about your deteriorating health, you can opt for the Essential Injury Guide.


Smoking has a negative effect on your health as well as your health insurance. Insurances to the insurance service will cost you higher than the risks involved in providing health insurance. One important thing to keep in mind is that you will expose all the important things about your health that you smoke. If you find that you are hiding or giving false information, your insurance company may refuse to correct the answers.

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